Sunday, January 17, 2016

Life seemed really short lately, I was thinking this because, I wished I had more time with my brother Ceasar Larry, he has joined our mother, cousins, Uncles and friends. In the spirit world, where I hope to one day join too. Heaven that is. I miss him so much right now, and all the memory that I can remember is coming back to me, of when we spend time together. He was a protector, a friend and a brother to me. I miss his laugh, it was between a cough and a laugh. He wasn't afraid of most things and went out to get things he wanted, and he believe in himself. Everyone knows how smart he was, he could quote sentences of books he read. Sometimes his mind would wonder, I love the man he was. Ceasar as he renamed himself, was mostly a happy carefree man. You could even see it in his walk arms swinging from his body.  He was what a big brother should be, and I loved him for it. Well Ceasar Larry Adams miss you much, remember forever. Love your little sister.

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